Email Profits Masterclass
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I’m excited to bring you this special masterclass where I’ll be sharing some
of my most valuable secrets and tricks on the subject of email copy.
I commend you for taking this step in growing your business. Email
marketing has surely given me the success and freedom and I hope for
the same for you.
This masterclass is purely dedicated to crafting and writing email copy that
attracts and motivates your subscribers to open your emails and get
them to take action.
That’s what we want in the end, right?
1Should You Get Your Subscribers 1st Name?
2Should You Use Double Or Single Opt-In?
3Email Frequency How Often To Send Email
4HTML Vs Text Emails, Which Is Better?
5The Best Time To Send Your Emails
6How To Tell A Story In Your Emails
7Balancing Promo Emails & Free Content
8Writing A Call To Action In Your Email
9Writing Copy For Any Product In Just Minutes
10Tracking Your Click Through And Open Rate
Stars 5
Stars 4
Stars 3
Stars 2
Stars 1